Smarty Symbols Impact Mission: Introducing Ghana’s First Playground Communication Boards

At Smarty Symbols, we champion inclusive learning and communication. Our recent initiative, led by Director of Sales Remi Salami, introduced Ghana’s first Playground Communication Boards, enhancing accessibility for neurodivergent children. This impactful project underscores our commitment to fostering inclusive environments globally.

At Smarty Symbols, our mission is to foster inclusive learning environments and break down communication barriers through innovative visual support tools. Recently, our Director of Sales, Remi Salami, led a groundbreaking initiative in Ghana, introducing the country’s first Playground Communication Boards. This project, supported by the Whitaker Group and numerous local advocates, marks a significant step towards improving communication accessibility for neurodivergent populations in Ghana. As Remi Salami expressed, “This job has really enabled me to help advocate for awareness and highlight some of the skills that we do as speech-language pathologists and bring what we do to a larger audience.”

A Journey of Advocacy and Inclusion:

In January 2024, Remi Salami, the Director of Sales at Smarty Symbols, shared a simple yet powerful idea with the company’s CEO, Barbara Fernandes. During a routine meeting, Remi mentioned her upcoming family trip to Ghana and proposed an initiative to make the trip more meaningful. She suggested using this opportunity to donate a single Playground Communication Board to a local school in Ghana, aiming to foster inclusivity and support for neurodivergent children.

Planning and Preparation

Remi, alongside the Smarty Symbols team, embarked on a detailed process to ensure the initiative would be both impactful and culturally relevant. The initial idea to donate one board soon evolved into a larger project: designing and donating five customized Playground Communication Boards specifically tailored for Ghanaian children.

Key to this customization was the decision to feature 100% Black characters on the boards. Understanding the importance of representation, the team at Smarty Symbols wanted the children in Ghana to see themselves reflected in the communication tools they would be using. Thus, Smarty Symbols’ beloved characters, Lia and Will, were prominently showcased in the designs, ensuring that the imagery was both familiar and relatable to the local children.

The thoughtfulness in design didn’t end there; the boards were given a green design to match Ghana’s green colors used on their flag, further embedding a sense of local identity and pride.

Event Organization

In addition to the meticulous planning and design of the boards, organizing the event in Ghana was a crucial part of the preparation. Remi coordinated closely with local advocates and leaders, including Rosa Whitaker, CEO of the Whitaker Group and First Lady of Action Chapel International, and Bishop Suzanne Nti. Together, they planned a roundtable discussion titled “Innovations and Learning: Exploring Pathways to Empowerment and Inclusion for the Neurodivergent.

This event was designed to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, including educators, therapists, parents, and community leaders. The goal was to foster an open dialogue on innovative approaches to better serve neurodiverse populations, promote inclusiveness, and develop new models of collaboration. Invitations were sent out well in advance, and careful logistical arrangements were made to ensure the smooth execution of the event.

What had started as a one board donation during a family trip, quickly grew to a much larger impactful series of events.

It is time to Embark to Ghana:

In March 2024, Remi Salami, accompanied by her family, embarked on an adventurous trip to Ghana. With her, she carried not just the hopes of fostering inclusivity but also five oversized Playground Communication Boards. The journey from the U.S. to Ghana was no small feat, especially with the added challenge of transporting these large boards across continents. “I felt like I was transporting precious artifacts,” she joked.

The Roundtable Discussion

The roundtable discussion titled “Innovations and Learning: Exploring Pathways to Empowerment and Inclusion for the Neurodivergent” brought together advocates, leaders, and practitioners dedicated to supporting Ghana’s neurodivergent population.

This event was co-convened by Rosa Whitaker, CEO of the Whitaker Group and First Lady of Action Chapel International, and Bishop Suzanne Nti.

During the discussion, Remi led an open and insightful dialogue on innovative approaches to better serve neurodiverse populations, promote inclusiveness, and develop new models of collaboration. She shared the journey of Smarty Symbols’ movement to make spaces more inclusive, from conception to realization, and explained how these boards were designed to meet the specific needs of the Ghanaian community.

The anticipation for the communication boards had been building, and now the moment had finally arrived.The community’s reception was overwhelmingly positive. Educators, therapists, and parents who attended the unveiling were thrilled to see the communication boards in person. They appreciated the cultural relevance and the representation of Black characters.

Cultural Exchange and Its Impact

One notable moment during the roundtable discussion was when Dr. Sue, a local advocate, suggested replacing the image of a plastic water bottle on the board with a reusable one, reflecting their community’s commitment to sustainability. This feedback was a significant cultural exchange moment that underscored the importance of local input in creating tools that are not only functional but also aligned with community values.

Thanks to this insightful comment and Smarty Symbols’ commitment to building a better world together, all new communication boards now feature a reusable water bottle instead of the previously used disposable one. This change not only makes the boards more relevant to the communities they serve but also promotes environmental sustainability.


Another attendee pointed out that in many parts of Ghana, children drink water from plastic bags, a common practice that was unfamiliar to the Smarty Symbols team. This insight opened up a conversation about further customization to make the boards even more relevant to the local context.

On their Linkedin Page the Whitaker Group said “ Heartfelt thanks to Remi Salami and her colleagues at Smarty Symbols for their generous donation of Ghana’s first Playground Communications Boards to 37 Military Hospital, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Dominion Christian Academy, and Tamale Teaching Hospital – collectively serving thousands of neurodivergent Ghanaians.

A Ripple Effect

The initiative sparked a broader conversation about inclusion and neurodiversity in Ghana. The event encouraged networking and collaboration among local advocates, who began discussing further steps to support neurodivergent individuals. Remi left Ghana with a commitment to follow up and continue supporting the community.

Rosa Whitaker, inspired by the success of the event, committed to launching a Pan-African content series on Dominion TV, aimed at building awareness and addressing the stigmas associated with neurodiversity. She assured the group, “You are not standing alone; together we can reshape the narrative around diverse cognitive abilities and build more inclusive communities.


“Remi’s initiative in Ghana is a perfect example of how we can make a real difference. We’re committed to supporting and expanding these efforts across the world to help children communicate and belong.” – Barbara Fernandes, CEO of Smarty Symbols

The journey to bring Playground Communication Boards to Ghana was a testament to the power of action-taking, community collaboration, and cultural sensitivity. What started as a simple idea during a family trip blossomed into a significant initiative that brought joy, excitement, and much-needed support to neurodivergent children in Ghana.

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